Family Planning In Rural Ethiopia

The Smart Start MNCH project is part of the Amplify 360 program aimed at empowering adolescent girls and their partners to achieve their fertility intentions in rural Ethiopia.

This project was done in preparation for a pilot program that would be rolled out by the ministry of health in Ethiopia.


Research, Scoping & Identifying Challenges in rural Ethiopia

We set out to understand the environment, societal context and traditional customs young adolescent couples live in and discovered the challenges and barriers that young adolescent couples encounter along their sexual reproductive health & fertility journey.

Designing Solution-oriented Concepts To Address Key Challenges

When it came to designing our first concepts we leaned into placing emphasis on mindset shift, agency & addressing power dynamics. This approach allowed us to begin tackling the root causes of problems within the system and key issues along a couples SRH & FP journey. 

Testing Interventions With Users & Iterative Prototyping

The PSI team tested our initial prototypes in three rural Ethiopean communities and on return we collaboratively tweaked, modified and merged our prototypes.

Final Development of Prototypes

We designed assets that focused on counselling and guiding young married couples through their sexual reproductive health journeys & family planning options.

The assets  were centered around preconception care, how to lead a healthy pregnancy focusing on nutritional diet and adhering to ANC attendance and postpartum family planning.

Smart ANC Tracker

Smart ANC Care tracker guides expecting young couples through the pregnancy journey from preconception and delivery to postpartum family planning. It lays out vital information on developmental growth stages of the baby, danger signs during pregnancy and an ANC checklist. It nudges couples to adhere to ANC visits and aims to prompt interactive conversations and joint decision making to ensure a health pregnancy. 

Smart Nutrition

The Smart Nutrition leaflet offers clear recommendations on essential nutrition and supplements for a healthy pregnancy.

Smart Pathways

Smart Pathways offers timely tailored messaging on preconception care, early ANC initiation and post partum family planning, allowing couples agency and to choose different pathways depending on where they are in their fertility journey.
Smart Start Project, Part of A360 Amplify Ethiopia
@ partnering with PSI Ethiopia
Content courtesy of
Role: Human Centered Design  |  Visual Design  | Co-leading the Project  |