Boda Pesa Scale Up
Exploring product market fit and investigating the relevance of PesaKit’s Boda Pesa roving agent model in peri-urban regions of Kenya. PesaKit is a fintech network agent revolutionizing last-mile access to financial services and digital commerce through mobile money agents.
In the course of this 4 week sprint we focused on conducting user research and answering questions on what parameters such as customer needs, population density & economic vibrancy are needed to make a location successful for Boda Pesa’s roving agent model.

We set out to better understand the conditions & criteria that might indicate which new regions are most ready for scaling the Boda Pesa model.
We carried out research in 4 peri-urban regions allowing us to collect valuable insights and leaving us with additional questions that would be crucial for continued exploration.

These were the locations we investigated, conducting interviews with users & agents.
Some key barriers and challenges that users & agents encountered along their user journey centered around trust, safety, security & accessibility.

Across different regional contexts, we identified 3 different types of agents necessary for the sucess of Boda Pesa.

The Entrepreneurial Agent
The financially driven agent who is looking to expand their business and is willing to take up another engagement so long as it adds value to their income.

The Community Agent
An agent that has personal relations with customers and people in the community and is willing to go the extra mile for them.

The Complacent Agent
An agent that is content with how their business is currently running and don’t consider their business a main source of income.

We created a set of rubrics to guide PesaKit towards the types of agents and locations that would make Boda Pesa successful...

...and designed experiments that would help further investigate how to tackle key issues for agents and users of Boda Pesa centered around incentives, willingness to pay and safety & security concerns.

Boda Pesa Scale Up
@ IDEO.org
Content courtesy of IDEO
Role: Design Lead | Design Research | Building Wireframes | Visual Storytelling |
@ IDEO.org
Content courtesy of IDEO
Role: Design Lead | Design Research | Building Wireframes | Visual Storytelling |